Photographing Your Pet Dog
As part of your family your furry friend has no doubt featured in many family pictures. If you are anything like me and your children are now teenagers, you will probably find your devoted four legged family member increasingly the only member of the family who likes the attention of having his/her photograph taken.
The best shots and the ones you’ll treasure are the ones that capture your dog’s personality. What are your dog’s idiosyncrasies? Take pictures of him doing what he usually does, sleeping or running around chasing things. That look he gives you when he wants your attention.
Patience is key and remember your pooch will only have a limited attention span. Before you start make sure you’ve got everything ready that you need, so you are ready to shoot and don’t miss an opportunity.
Get down to their level
Use wide angle for wacky shots
Get in close
Think about the background of your shot, make sure there’s nothing in it to distract it from the shot.
Get them running towards the camera
To get a more dramatic shot use fill-flash outside
Lighting is very important. Try not to use flash unless it is for effect as it can flatten an image. If your pet has dark fur slightly over expose your shots.
Include people and capture the bond your pet has with your children and other family members.
Freeze the action by using a fast shutter speed.
Catch them unawares
Be playful with your pet, make the experience fun and have treats and a toy to hand, maybe a ball or a squeaky toy so you can get your pet’s attention.